
 Marriage is one of the very important questions, for which astrologers are consulted. Marriage is one of the things in life which is very complex in nature. It is complex because it deals with 2 humans. Every Individual who aspires for marriage is keen to know whether his marriage [relationship of 2 humans] will be fruitful or not, whether the two individuals can stay together and can lead a happy life. Regarding Marriage, the first and foremost planet which needs to be seen is Venus. Venus represents sex, sexual partner, beauty, bed, life partner, and comforts of marriage life. The house which is seen for marriage point of view is seventh house. If lord of seventh house is sitting in Kendra or Trikon in its top form or of his own house, and there is no bad aspect of Saturn, mars, ketu, rahu or sun and is being seen by Jupiter or Venus. Person having such situation in its horoscope will enjoy all the fruits of marriage. He/She will have good prosperous marriage. Now we will see various effects, if house is seen by following stars  

Jupiter- Jupiter or popularly known as Guru which means saint or Good Teacher. If the seventh house is seen by Jupiter (which means Jupiter is in 11, 1 or 3 house) then the individual will have very comfortable life. Jupiter is considered as saint or teacher. Seen by saint/teacher it means all the blessings from them. (In earlier days, if saints/teacher gives blessing that would definite had positive influence on the individual. So this is one of the reasons that Jupiter is always resembled with Guru/Saint/Teacher.) So in horoscope, which is seen by Jupiter becomes extremely good and Individual gets all the benefits from that house

Venus- If the seventh house is seen by Venus, so it means person is having Venus in its Lagan (Ascendant). Venus in lagan gives special power and importance to Venus. Any planet in Lagan becomes more powerful and gives extra benefits to the individual related to that star. So having Venus in Lagan gives benefits of Venus as good life partner, prosperous marriage life, and good wife/husband.

Mars- If the seventh house is being watched by Mars, and then the person becomes manglik. The word manglik has been derived from the planet mars which is also called mangal grah. If Mars is placed in 12,1,4,7 or 8th house then person becomes manglik. Mars is red and firry in nature, when mars sees seventh house, it puts it bad effects on seventh house, you can consider that house being burning due to mars. The result is death by accident, fire, disease or separation, divorce, living life together but with misery. Having Mars in 12,1,4,7 or 8th house makes the person manglik. So it is very much advisable that manglik person should marry manglik only. If Mars is sitting with Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu. Many Astrologers believe that power of Mars is reduced, so the person becomes Non-Manglik. If the mars is seen by Saturn also, some astrologers believe that power of Mars is reduced. We will also take this as Non-Manglik, because mars seen by Saturn reduces power of mars, seems very logical.

Saturn- If the seventh house is seen by Saturn, it delays the marriage, and can break the love affairs, engagements, and can give little bit problems in marriage life. The art of prediction varies from time to time and from place to place. If the horoscope is of person sitting in London and is white person, then predict 100% as divorce. If the horoscope is of person sitting in conservative family in India, then predict some problems in marriage life. If the horoscope is of very modern family, living in metro, still you can predict tense relations or divorce, judging the situation.

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