Kaal Sarp Dosh

If all the 7 planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu then Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. Therefore it is essential that such natives should arrange for remedy of Kaal Sarp Yog so that lucky planets of the horoscope could render favorable results.
According to the situation of Rahu in 12 houses of horoscope there are Kaal Sarp Yogas of 12 types. These are 1. Anant 2. Kulik 3. Vasuki 4. Shankhpal 5. Padma 6. Mahapadma 7. Takshak 8. Karkotak 9. Shankhchud 10. Ghaatak 11. Vishdhar and 12. Sheshnag.

The Kaal Sarp Yog is of two types- Ascending and Descending. If all the 7 planets are eaten away by Rahu's mouth then it is Ascending Kaal Sarp Yog. If all planets are situated in back of Rahu then Descending Kaal Sarp Yog is formed.

If you are feeling above disturbances then arrange for following remedies; you will definitely get relief.

Establish Kaal Sarp Faults Removal Yantra in your home and worship it regularly.

Recite "Om Namah Shivay" daily.

Give coal to flowing water (such as a river) on three occasions during auspicious time.

Fix a swastik made of silver at an auspicious time on your main door and on its both sides fix snake figures made of metal.

Take meals by sitting in your kitchen. Feed birds for 1Œ month by barley.

Recite Hanuman Chalisa every day.

Worship a snake made of silver on Nag Panchami; remember your ancestors (pitra) and give this snake to flowing water (such as a river) or sea with a devoted mind.

Make a snake of silver or eight metals and wear it in your finger.

Recite daily Rahu Kavach, Stotra

Boil pine, mustard and loban (benzoin) in water and take bath with this water (only once).

Alms for Rahu:

Donate agate, gold, lead, til (sesame) mustard, blue clothes etc.ers, sword, blankets, horse etc from time to time.

Remedies for Rahu and Ketu Use blue handkerchief, blue watchstrap, blue pen, and iron ring.

Recite Nav Nag stotra daily for one year.

Wear Nagpaash Yantra at an auspicious time after recitation of mantras.

On every Monday do abhishek (bathe the deity) of Lord Shankar by yogurt by chanting Har Har Mahadev.

Are you affected by one of the following  Kaalsarp Yoga .

1. Anant, 2. Kulik, 3. Vasuki, 4. Shankhpal, 5. Padma, 6. Mahapadma,
7. Takshak, 8. Karkotak, 9. Shankhchud, 10. Ghaatak, 11. Vishdhar and
12. Sheshnag
Duration of Kal-Sarp Yoga 
  1. Rahu in 1st house: upto 27 years 
  2. Rahu in 2nd house: upto 33 years
  3. Rahu in 3rd house: upto 36 years 
  4. Rahu in 4th house: upto 42 years
  5. Rahu in 5th house: upto 48 years
  6. Rahu in 6th house: upto 54 years

1 comment:

  1. Padam Kaal Sarp Yog when present in a horoscope can trouble the native with the problems related to producing children, finances, friends, higher education and many other fields of the native’s life. It can be reduced with the help of specifically guided astrological remedies.
